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Category (vinyl cd shirts)
2 search results
12 Inch 21.10.16
ixvlf is back at it again following the language of mini-album released earlier this year as part of our ongoing tape series. pushing it further from where we last left off, connor clasen’s vinyl debut reflects our ever growing desire to re-interpret club music in its most primitive and cartilaginous nature. while cleverly obscuring any reference to a specific period of time, involuntary movement shows a sense of the american-based producer stretching disorienting imagery over the existing landscape of proto-industrial — matching the visual interpretation of ailsa ogden undertaking the artwork by way of a new collaboration to be expanded over a handful of releases — where unpolished synthesizers and rhythm machines collide and bawl in a controlled crash. it is an exercise of existing in various states of detachment, a fixation on mechanical repetition and unpredictable behaviors through the haze of helium laughter. definitely one for the animals.
Unknown Precept
out of stock
9.25 EUR *
2x12 Inch 08.09.17
the third release by the paris based public system recordings knows no bounds or borders. a massive 2x12 inch compilation featuring the likes of fallbeil, innsyter, morah, buttechno and many more from the realms of heavy rust and wild animals. the heart beat of industrial noise resonating through weathered metal surfaces. psr003 is certainly writhing with wild tribal movement informed by the ferocity of feverish drum programming, waterlogged flanging and carefully degraded waveforms creating this fully engrossing and almost unclassifiable techno selection. it certainly puts an emphasis on the body aspect of ebm.
PSR 003
Public System
out of stock
18.75 EUR *

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