Thore Pfeiffer - UMLAND



Savvy Records / SAV033

Front View : Thore Pfeiffer - UMLAND (CD) - Savvy Records / SAV033
Back View : Thore Pfeiffer - UMLAND (CD) - Savvy Records / SAV033

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Electro-, Ambient Soundscapes

Thore Pfeiffer is back his third consecutive album, ‘Umland’. Translating to surrounding countryside, ‘Umland’ takes us away to an imaginary landscape taking with it the influences of contemporary techno and leaving behind much of the noise. The album spawns with ‘Ufer’, meaning shore. It is the birthplace of civilization, breathing life into the rest of the album meeting the sky at ‘Himmeltal’. The album makes many references to nature and open spaces, a stark contrast to the densely packed inner city nightclubs often associated with electronic music. Sometimes we have to go away to come back, and ‘Umland’ provides us with a getaway characterized by vastly open concept gestures to do exactly that. An abstract expression of fine art front to back, Thore blesses us with his divine creation about the imperfections and beauty of nature
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12.28 EUR *
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