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2 search results
12 Inch 01.08.19
while being best known for creating deeply immersive live psychoacoustic experiences, the london based pataphysical have allowed us to use periphera , the fruits of their debut studio work, as the label s eighth musical oblation. it would have been an exercise in futility to try and replicate the immediacy of their live performances on this record, but we feel that across these 8 disparate tracks inner worlds have been rendered real. through the careful positioning of field recordings and the creation of soundscapes somewhat reminiscent of heyday mille plateau the group have held fast to a desire to craft involved and captivating synthesis.
12th Isle
out of stock
14.74 EUR *
12 Inch LP Pre sale (xx.09.2024)
new album of london-based multidisciplinary artist el hardwick
AD 93
20.16 EUR *

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* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.