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2 search results
12 Inch 17.11.15
here comes the heavy remix package to lake peoples much praised debut album purposely uncertain field. with redshape, lawrence and map.ache three remixes were carefully chosen who would be able to bring their own distinctive sound to the table, but also treat the original tracks respectfully. redshape catapults -illuminated- into the orbit of the red planet, where it rotates in a trippy and hypnotic way. lawrence is drifting red but stays closer to the sun. the dial boss keeps things lighter and brings some bells and a steady bass drum to dinner and knows how to mesmerise. leipzig buddy and kann records co-founder map.ache shifts up a gear with his remix for cooping. twisted vocals and a bouncy bassline make his remix a darling on the club floor and rounds things consistently up.
Permanent Vacation
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7.81 EUR *
2x12 + CD 20.02.15
on -purposely uncertain field- lake people doesn t fall into the trap of repeating himself or recreating a successful formula. instead he puts all his musical knowledge and his experience into the eleven tracks of the album and expands his already rich sound universe. above his straighter dancefloor aspects martin elaborates his approaches to a certain mid 90 s electronica vibe and ambient-like soundscapes with a very cinematic feel to it. thus he brilliantly manages the difficult task of creating a transcendent and consistent album without losing any tension over the full length.
Permanent Vacation

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16.38 EUR *

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