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Texas Recordings Underground / T.R.U.003

Front View : Various Artists - TEXAS INSTRUMENTALS - Texas Recordings Underground / T.R.U.003
Back View : Various Artists - TEXAS INSTRUMENTALS - Texas Recordings Underground / T.R.U.003

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Texas Recordings Underground follows up the first various artists Cyber Tex EP with the Texas Intrumentals EP, featuring deep techno from 4 well-respected producers from the Lone Star State - Convextion, Brooks Mosher, Ill76 and Submersible Machines al contribute. Check!

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Texas Recordings Underground follows up the first various artists Cyber_Tex EP with the Texas Intrumentals EP, featuring deep techno from 4 well-respected producers from the Lone Star State - Convextion, Brooks Mosher, Ill76 and Submersible Machines al contribute. Check!
The A-side features classic techno from 2 well-respected producers in Brooks Mosher and Convextion, the brainchild of Dallas producer Gerard Hanson. Magic Hat and Summer Indoors harken back to late 80s Detroit, filled with strings and harmony that exude the type of emotion you often heard in early Transmat records.
Ill76 opens the B-side with the aptly-titled New Years Night, a peak hour techno banger produced by Dallas producer Lacy Lawson, a figure on the Dallas techno scene for 2 decades. Submersible Machines rounds out the EP with the deep techno cut If You Know How I Feel. Following up on a couple successful releases on the Lunar Disko label, this is the first production in 2 years from Submersible
Machines and it’s killer.
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12.77 EUR *

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