Toolate Groove / Bass Toast - THE LONG WAY UP EP


12 Inch

Cosmic Breeze Records / CBR007

Front View : Toolate Groove / Bass Toast - THE LONG WAY UP EP - Cosmic Breeze Records / CBR007
Back View : Toolate Groove / Bass Toast - THE LONG WAY UP EP - Cosmic Breeze Records / CBR007

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A mixture of different genres like house and broken beats

Sales Information:

Cosmic Breeze Records is happy to announce "The Long Way Up", the second record from our label, featuring a split format showcasing the latest works of Toolate Groove and Bass Toast. As purveyors of soulful music, we pour love into every release, cohesively blending different genres such as House and Broken Beat creating music that speaks to our souls."The Long Way Up" shows our belief and curiosity in blending both club-oriented and laid-back soulful music. We believe that through music, we can unite and express ourselves in the most true and transparent way, while revealing the depths of our souls.

"A lot of people run to see who's fastest. I merely run to feel the breeze."

Greetings from Brussels,

Alex & Seb
13.61 EUR *

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