Professor Inc - LIBERATE


2x12 Inch

Speshall Edishon / 3SE

Front View : Professor Inc - LIBERATE (2X12) - Speshall Edishon / 3SE
Back View : Professor Inc - LIBERATE (2X12) - Speshall Edishon / 3SE

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Containing proper art, raised with time & dedication. The tracks are guarented natural and can live up to a hundred years with proper care. Thery are also stocked and accessible at the Bibliotheque National De France & converted numerically for a safe and proper memory of today music. Featuring designed sounds melted to rare vinyl sampling covering a 40 years area. Reaching classic textures and close current structural forms, meanwhile using today tools to the max combining digital technology with analogic and hardware analogic processes. It is just amazing, thousand of details to discover for your pleasure by the Professor. A rich, complex and truely unique sound enhanced by the mastering of Mathieu Berthet with who he collaborated on several projects before and also do music together.

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12.28 EUR *
* Preise inklusive 0% MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten.