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AM / 07PM

Front View : Articulat - FOLCLOR ABSTRACT EP - AM / 07PM
Back View : Articulat - FOLCLOR ABSTRACT EP - AM / 07PM

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Inspiriert vom rumänischen Kulturerbe, sei es Film, Tanz oder Musikinstrumente, ist Folclor Abstract ein Blick zurück zu den Wurzeln auf der Suche nach einer sinnvollen Zukunft.

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Inspired from Romanian cultural heritage, be it film, dance or musical instruments, Folclor Abstract is a glance back to the roots in search of a meaningful future.

The first track is inspired from the soundtrack composed by Cornelia Tăutu for the Romanian historical adventure film "Buzduganul cu trei peceți" (1977). The film presents a politicized version of the events that led in 1600 to the unification of the three Romanian countries, in the aftermath of a victorious battle against the Ottoman invasion (Călugăreni, 1595). Dance your way through as the story unfolds.

Dans cu balans is the result of a personal fascination for the cimbalom, an instrument of high versatility, frequently used in the Romanian fiddle music. In contrast to orchestral performances, which adhere to the composer's notes to reproduce a work faithfully, fiddling is also open to improvisation and tends to produce rhythms that focus on dancing, with associated quick note changes.

Searching for inspiration within Romanian folklore, I found Ivan Braga who was on his own pursuit of cultural heritage, experimenting with a variety of traditional instruments and rhythms from different regions of the country. Doba lu' Braga is Ivan's modern take on Romanian drum patterns performed on a traditional Moldavian drum (dobă) with an uplifting twist and arrangement for the dancefloor experience.

Reverie is an expression of the creator's state of mind. Lost in thought, stolen by imagination, haunted by memories, liberated by dreams.
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10.92 EUR *

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