The balls are rolling, the caller has been summoned… Eyes down ladies and gentleman for The Marx Trukker. A for You B for Me goes flat out from the get go, Trukker bringing forth dub, attenuating heavily bound techno under the Sherman Filter plough - sleek yet lo-fi sound design, infectious electronic folkart.
Marx twists a remix for Fingersnap* - The Bishop of New Hampshire retreats into a brazen stance, setting piano climbs against bass drones and dub inflected whistles, all the while David McAlmont swoons a melancholic ode to Pride… International Air Conditioner comfortably glides at 30,000 feet, slipping into meditative territory, softly tumbling & drifting into a rippling headimess. Cloudy textures slide over smudged muscaria tones, enough to make you stand at the back and shed a tear. Goes well off on one so it does. Greta goes back in the vault and pulls out a true Trukker head rub, balanced and sturdy on the dismount rough and ready on the get down. Tape Be Good To You is pretty much essential wares for any self respecting roots affiliated techno leaner… grin and share it. Disjointed and frantic but madly soothing in some paradoxical deranged way… The Sky so broad, no money left heightens sensory simulation, stimulating some entangled 3rd eye imagery. Finally finding itself dramatically warped to the point of an intergalactic no returnism. Hefty.