Various Artists - EDITION 2


3x12 Inch

1985 Music / ONEF015

Front View : Various Artists - EDITION 2 (3LP) - 1985 Music / ONEF015
Back View : Various Artists - EDITION 2 (3LP) - 1985 Music / ONEF015

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Edition 2 is a continuation in our development as a label to push existing and upcoming artist who represent our vision in sound.
Like Edition 1, it’s compiled with progression and gradual intensity as it plays through. Here we have cuts from label regulars Monty, Halogenix & Submarine. A return from LA beatsmith Tsuruda. New appearances from Fixate and Lewis James and other exciting new names to the imprint such as Bredren, Razat (RIP) and Cesco. Overall it's an encapsulation of 1985. A sonic projection.
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21.29 EUR *
Chart More Genres
pos. 250
peak pos. 24

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