RAMZi - Multiquest Niveau 1: Camoufle

Multiquest Niveau 1: Camoufle (LP)

12 Inch

FATi Records / FAT04

Front View : RAMZi - Multiquest Niveau 1: Camoufle (LP) - FATi Records / FAT04
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Brand new album from RAMZi , Totally unique and compelling stuff

The Grey world seems still. To the untrained eye the very briefest shimmers of light do nothing to break this mirage, they pose little threat to the zombi's sense of reality. RAMZi is moving, unseen. At this stage the workings of it’s plan is cloaked in camouflé.

This time, under the guise of a poodle moth hidden by nimbi, RAMZi continues to shake out sonic spores across the planet, coming to material form for the 4rd release on it’s own FATi records. A battle-talisman for it’s cosmic and spiritual guerrilla war against the zombification of the world, the first in the Multiquest series collects 11 quests, each one taking place on a different landscape, always championing interspecies harmony. Multiquest Niveau 1: Camouflé is the weaponisation of our unconscious creativity, to be used with deadly accuracy before slinking back into invisibility.
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