Pi - PRZ6six


12 Inch

KMA60 Rezpektiva / PRZ6six

Front View : Pi - PRZ6six - KMA60 Rezpektiva / PRZ6six
Back View : Pi - PRZ6six - KMA60 Rezpektiva / PRZ6six

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6th Output of KMA60 Rezpektiva

Number six-up for our Prozpektiva series and for this record we are proud to present a future star, an electronic music producer from Montevideo, Uruguay, Pi. With single track contributions so far on labels such as Holístico Records, White Scar and Lutzifer this is Pi's first full original release - with her trademark oscillations through techno, breakbeat, and electro with melodic tones the future definitely looks bright.
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12.18 EUR *

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