Levi Verspeek - LOMDIT EP


12", 180 g

Slapfunk Records / SLPFNK 016

Front View : Levi Verspeek - LOMDIT EP (180 G VINYL) - Slapfunk Records / SLPFNK 016
Back View : Levi Verspeek - LOMDIT EP (180 G VINYL) - Slapfunk Records / SLPFNK 016

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With Lomdit EP we have arrived at Levi Verspeeks 3rd solo record. Three times a charm and so it will be when it crashes onto the dancefloor with tech triumph Tamtam named after an unknown friend. 2nd track Octo s slick, oozing groove sees right through you and pillages the floor with metal percussion. No later than 6 and a half minutes after you will be met by God s choir singing it s chorus: We Smell Sausage. Watch out that you don t get dipped by that foxy break halfway through! Knock knock. Who s there? Hmmm. Hmmm who? Hmmm, the last track on Lomdit, and IT KNOCKS!

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9.41 EUR *
Chart -
pos. 279
peak pos. 23

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