12 Inch

Miss you / MISSYOU025

Front View : Angela - TENERAMANTE - Miss you / MISSYOU025
Back View : Angela - TENERAMANTE - Miss you / MISSYOU025

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Italian Disco single, originally released as 7 Inch in 1979. Remastered for 12 Inch format with original artwork and digger gem Angela E Cosi on the B-side.

Sales Information:

Originally released in 1979 this single might have been another attempt at birthing an Italian starlet. “Teneramante” on the A-side is a harmlessly well written cheerful Pop oriented number one might hear in a radio of some Italian cabriolet on your way to an aperitivo gathering with some mildly well dressed friends. On the B-side things take a deeper melancholic turn with “Angela E Cosi” - the winner - a funky broken beat underlays the tempo of the track, perhaps not unlike the emotional complications nuanced in the beautiful Italian sung lyrics – recollections of romantic disillusions over a beautiful melody. Already on the maps of certain more perverse digger/collector circles, don't fuss with the fake NM Italian copies for sale online, get your hands a real Mint version with this perfectly restored and remastered 12” version.
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18.82 EUR *

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