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12 Inch 29.04.04
alex patterson s legenderes chillout projekt mit fettem schaffel techno &ambient
Kompakt 73
out of stock
5.72 EUR *
12" 28.01.04
hymnenalarm! top synthiediscotechno mit charme, witz & herz. da wird der hund in der pfanne verrückt!
Kompakt 92
out of stock
5.97 EUR *
12 Inch 26.11.03
pop ambient ist programmierte poesie, ist gef?hlte datenverarbeitung,ist bet¸render rausch ohne kater. wer den film >hero< gesehen hat weiss, dass man wahre kunst nicht durch technik ( matrix 2 ) ersetzen kann. es gibt solche und solche musik. nach wie vor gilt - pop ambient ist die orchidee unter den ambienten spielarten elektronischer unterhaltungsmusik.
Kompakt 90
out of stock
9.00 EUR *
12 Inch 29.10.03
der schein trügt. jens harke ist der grösste. steh auf und bleib sitzen! geh ab oder hau dir selber eine rein, mann.
Kompakt Ex 012
Kompakt Extra
out of stock
6.55 EUR *
2x12 Inch 28.10.03
Kompakt 10
out of stock
12.28 EUR *
12 Inch 28.05.03
phat minimal cologne tracks
Kompakt 25
out of stock
5.56 EUR *
12 Inch 30.04.03
das bruderpaar erstmals gemeinsam im studio !!! da brennt es lichterloh !
Kompakt Ex 3
Kompakt Extra
out of stock
6.55 EUR *
12 Inch 30.04.03
jÜrgen paape, m. mayer, superpitcher, auftrieb. jawoll.
Kompakt 30
out of stock
5.72 EUR *
CD 06.09.24
number 24. better than ever!
Kompakt CD 182

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Vinyl (EUR 27.99)
in stock
12.60 EUR *
CD 23.08.24
Kompakt CD 183

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Vinyl (EUR 43.99)
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12.60 EUR *
CD 13.10.23
third volume of joerg burgers velvet desert music compilation series
Kompakt CD 178

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Vinyl (EUR 28.39)
Last Copy!
11.76 EUR *
CD 17.03.23
third album of blank gloss
Kompakt CD 175

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Vinyl (EUR 23.99)
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11.76 EUR *
CD 03.01.23
debut album
Kompakt CD 174
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11.76 EUR *
CD 14.10.22
Kompakt CD 172

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Vinyl (EUR 29.99)
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12.76 EUR *
CD 04.10.22
exclusive tracks and remixes by voigt & voigt, michael mayer, jürgen paape (feat. bruno), jörg burger, perel, jonathan kaspar, matias aguayo & rebolledo.
Kompakt CD 170

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Vinyl (EUR 27.99)
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12.60 EUR *
CD 12.11.21
incl markus guentner / joachim spieth, thomas fehlmann and more
Kompakt CD 169

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Vinyl (EUR 24.99)
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12.60 EUR *
CD 24.09.21
total 21 on kompakt
Kompakt CD 168

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Vinyl (EUR 27.99)
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11.76 EUR *
CD 11.12.20
gas aka wolfgang voigt
Kompakt CD 165

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Vinyl (EUR 39.99)
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12.60 EUR *
CD 11.12.20
gas ka wolfgang voigt
Kompakt CD 164

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Vinyl (EUR 39.99)
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12.60 EUR *
CD 11.12.20
gas aka wolfgang voigt
Kompakt CD 163

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Vinyl (EUR 39.99)
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12.60 EUR *
cd 22.11.19
20 jahre pop ambient / einfach mal entschleunigen
Kompakt CD 155
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11.46 EUR *
cd 01.03.19
second album from weval
Kompakt CD 151

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Vinyl (EUR 23.89)
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11.46 EUR *
CD 18.05.18
experimental album by wolfgang voigt 2018
kompakt cd 145
Last Copy!
12.28 EUR *
CD 16.04.18
to those familiar with the output of cologne-based imprint firm from back in the early Ô00s, the name of geiger, alias nass, shall undoubtedly ring a bell. herald of an hedonistic melange of funk- soaked electro pop and guitar-riddled synth music, sitting somewhere close to acts like ween and junior boys, alexander geiger is about to break a eight-year hiatus with the drop of his debut album under the newly-founded moniker of fahrland. a release that both encompasses a healthy dose of the discoid tropes from the firm era but also aspires to split with a segment of it, geared towards exploring further undisclosed fringes of his shape-shifting sound universe, Ômixtape vol.1Õ is the fruit of a decisive move from the sleepless berlin to the peaceful countryside landscapes of fahrland Ð a lushly forested area near potsdam which youÕll have understood played an essential role in geigerÕs longed-for return.
kompakt cd 144

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Vinyl (EUR 18.51)
Deluxe Edition (EUR 31.18)
Last Copy!
11.46 EUR *
cd 09.03.18
seeking the overwhelming vibration of the genuine sound wave and its profound echo on the soul, kenneth james gibson has spent his career experimenting under a variety of aliases like as many brushstrokes to an ever polymorphic palette - successively releasing as apendics.shuffle, bell gardens, reverse commuter, dubloner, kenneth james g., kj gibbs, bal cath, eight frozen modules, and premature wigÉ the list is long. near to two years after his first incursion on kompakt with his third studio lp the evening falls , gibson returns with in the fields of nothing , his second full-length delivery for the cologne-based imprint.
Kompakt CD 143

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in stock
11.46 EUR *
1989 (CD)
CD 22.09.17
fŸr den dŠnischen produzenten und performer rune reilly k…lsch hat sich kompakt als ideale musikalische heimat bewŠhrt: mit zwei hochgelobten alben und einer inzwischen als klassisch geltenden serie an solo-eps unter dem speicher-banner hat er sein technohandwerk auf die nŠchste stufe gebracht, mit kurs auf melodie, emotion und sogar autobiographische elemente Ð ohne an druck oder charakter zu verlieren. mit dem neuen langspieler 1989 prŠsentiert kšlsch das finale kapitel einer eleganten, an hšhepunkten reichen albumtrilogie, die mit der erkundung frŸher kindheitserinnerungen und einflŸsse auf Ò1977Ó (kom 276 cd 107) Ð dem jahr seiner geburt Ð begann, und auf Ò1983Ó (kom 329 cd 122) fortgefŸhrt wurde, einer lebhaften und pittoresken reise durch das frŸhachtziger europa, das er als sechsjŠhriger erlebte.
Kompakt CD 139

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11.76 EUR *
2xCD 01.09.17
im sommer 1999 aus der taufe gehoben, ist unsere total compilationserie kaum Šlter als das 21. jahrhundert selbst Ð was total 17 als letzte ausgabe vor der volljŠhrigkeit kennzeichnet. und tatsŠchlich strahlt die 2017er kohorte einen verspielten †berschwang aus, mit dem sich nur wenig andere compilations nach Ÿber 15 jahren am markt messen kšnnen: labelveteranen und neuzugŠnge wie etwa superpitcher, weval, tobias thomas & michael mayer, chris klopfer, juergen paape, voigt & voigt, max scholpp und nu u orchestra begeistern mit einigen der eingŠngigsten tracks, die die serie bis dato gesehen hat.

wie andere total compilations zuvor, ist total 17 zuallererst eine perfekte gelegenheit in unser aktuelles programm einzutauchen, dank der actiongeladenen 2xcd version die gefeierte hšhepunkte und persšnliche favoriten von laurent garnier, the orb, k…lsch, vermont, t.raumschmiere, patrice b€umel, danny daze und vielen anderen vereint. die filetstŸcke jedoch dŸrften zweifelsohne die exklusiven tracks sein, die sich auf beiden editionen, 2xcd und 2xlp, befinden Ð acht brandneue produktionen von kompakt-kernkŸnstlern und ausgewŠhlten labeldebŸtanten die sowohl den sammelnden kenner als auch den ambitionierten tanzflur-aktivisten mitreissen werden.
Kompakt CD 140

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Vinyl (EUR 27.99)
Last Copy!
12.60 EUR *
cd 19.05.17
kompakt releasing t.raumschmiereÕs new, epic solo full-length heimat. it presents another side of his work which was always there, but never got that much airtime: the artist, the author, the composer with the crystal-clear sound. heimat is a stunning techno album that neither excludes ambient, nor gets reduced to constant ass kicking. it s perhaps the best recording so far from this man who asks so deeply, so extensively, so much. and at some point even answers.
Kompakt CD 137

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Vinyl (EUR 26.99)
in stock
12.28 EUR *
CD 10.02.17
following their much-acclaimed surprise debut album vermont from 2014, motor city drum ensembles danilo plessow and innervisions marcus worgull reunite for more synth daydreaming on the suitably titled ii. the new outing continues where the first full-length left off, strolling further down the luminous and undulating path that the duo turned into, influenced in equal measures by kosmische, krautrock, minimal wave and synth soundtracks.
Kompakt CD 133

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Vinyl (EUR 24.99)
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13.10 EUR *
CD 10.06.16
weval beziehen ihre inspiration nicht aus einem einzelnen musikalischen genre, sondern eher aus einer akkumulation von musik, die sie inspiriert. die ergebnisse zeichnet eine beeindruckend kohŠrente vision aus aufnahmen wie das dramatische the battle, der bassknurrer i dont need it oder die trip-saga madness teilen diesselbe dna aus schwungvoller nostalgie, einer schwŠche fŸr immersive klangschnitzerei und einer gewissen delle im groove. sie nŠhren sich auch aus zutiefst persšnlichen erfahrungen und stimmungen, wie zum beispiel bei der eindringlichen elektronischen ballade you re mine, dem vorsichtig geschichteten, polaroid-gefŠrbten just in case oder dem wunderschšn gesungenen schlussakt years to build. und manchmal ist es nur ein altes, verstimmtes klavier, das im flur herumsteht: immer wenn ich dran vorbei lief, musste ich darauf herumklimpern, erklŠrt merijn, also wurde es ein zentraler bestandteil von you made it (part i). kein zweifel: dies ist wevals stŠrkstes und organischstes material bisher, was durchaus was bedeutet, wenn man das talent bedenkt welches bereits in schmalen, doch gewichtigen portfolio der band steckt.
Kompakt CD 131

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Vinyl (EUR 26.89)
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12.60 EUR *
CD 01.04.16
much-celebrated kompakt staple the field returns to the spotlight with new album the follower, his fifth full-length offering after from here we go sublime (kompakt rsd 02 cd 57), yesterday and today (kompakt 193 cd 72), looping state of mind (kompakt 241 cd 94) and cupids head (kompakt 290 cd 110). swedish soundsmith axel willner is well-known for his mastery when it comes to the allusive layering of loops, but it was with his last album cupids head that a newly-found, somewhat pressing snappishness started to replace the soft-hued sonics of his ambient-infused techno, imbued with a darker mood and stronger footing than before. a carefully gauged balance of stoic motorik and gloomy drones was key here - just as it is for the follower which goes even further in blurring the lines between concrete experimentation, body music and precisely laid-out arrangement, leading to one of the most rhythmically and texturally engaging listening experiences in willners catalogue.
Kompakt CD 130

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Vinyl (EUR 27.99)
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13.10 EUR *
CD 16.11.15
the latest instalment in the iconic pop ambient compilation series.
Kompakt CD 128

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Vinyl (EUR 15.99)
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12.93 EUR *
CD 11.09.15
Kompakt PA CD 3
Kompakt Pop Ambient

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Vinyl (EUR 17.99)
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11.46 EUR *
CD 11.05.15
der mitrei§ende neue langspieler von terranova, mit einer lŠssigen mische von instrumental- und vocal- housetracks fŸr tanzflure, wohnzimmer und weltraumkapseln ¥ mit gastauftritten von stereo mcs, mandel turner, cath coffey, bon homme & lydmor
Kompakt CD 123

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Vinyl (EUR 17.54)
in stock
12.28 EUR *
CD 10.11.14
pop ambient 2015 introducing debutant soundsmiths while welcoming returning pop ambient staples.
Kompakt CD 120

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Vinyl (EUR 24.99)
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11.46 EUR *
CD 02.07.14
mexico: a hugely satisfying follow-up to past exploits and another step into the future of anthemic pop music.
Kompakt CD 116

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Vinyl (EUR 25.99)
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12.60 EUR *
CD 18.02.13
auf ihrem album-debuet gehen die voigt-brueder einer vielzahl von einflŸssen nach, um eine unvergleichliche klangwelt zu formen, die zum ersten mal das vollstaendig realisiert, was frŸhere, inzwischen klassische tracks auf speicher andeuteten
Kompakt CD 104

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Vinyl (EUR 20.46)
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11.46 EUR *
CD 22.10.12
kompakts labelchef finally returns with his first album in eight years..
Kompakt CD 100
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11.46 EUR *
CD 18.06.12
taragana pyjaramas music is as refined as it is chaotic, described by some as a fairytale with a bassline
Kompakt CD 101

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Vinyl (EUR 18.51)
in stock
9.17 EUR *
13.10 EUR
30% Discount
CD 23.04.12
mohn is likely producing the best music that vangelis never wrote, the lost soundtrack to a kšlsch version of blade runner, a space opera in slow motion conducted by a hypnotized caspar david friedrich in orbital transit. as music it gets extremely close, obscuring the sun, whispering loudly, slowly, and furiously, both a fascinating trip into the interior of an inverted electron- scanning microscope and the meticulous recreation of a mandelbrot fractal, all in album format. whether synthesizers dream of electric sheep, wolfgang voigt and jšrg burger may not be able to say for certain, but as mohn, they seem to have a fairly accurate idea how it might sound.
Kompakt CD 99

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Vinyl (EUR 19.49)
in stock
12.93 EUR *
CD 19.09.11
brill gui boratto release !! melodic techno / techhouse on top
Kompakt CD 90

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Vinyl (EUR 14.61)
Last Copy!
12.12 EUR *
CD 20.06.11
expect the unexpected, they say, and it should come as a surprise to many as we warmly welcome to the kompakt family one of americas most celebrated producers in dance music, john tejada! born in austria, he relocated to his current home of los angeles at the age of 8 and, following a brief career in hip-hop, found his home in electronic music. if you are even the slightest fan of the genre, you will be hard-pressed not to have heard his music over his decade+-long career. >parabolas< is a true highlight in john tejadas deep catalogue. bold words indeed for a producer who is known for unexpected variation and tremendous musical imagination
Kompakt CD 093

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Vinyl (EUR 27.99)
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13.02 EUR *
CD 18.03.11
boys and diamonds is unmistakably a pop album but also one that comfortably fits in with kompakts long-standing lineage of genre-refracting releases. you will be hard up find another record that cohesively brings to mind siouxsie rubbing elbows with shabba ranks, giorgio moroder sipping daiquiris in bali, desmond dekker envisioned through skittering footwork, tom tom club sitting in with congotronics, even early madonna produced by chris and cosey. unlikely as all of that sounds, rainbow arabia makes it sound easy. mostly recorded at their home studio in echo park, muppet palace, boys and diamonds was written and produced by the couple with help from their friends in los angeles and beyond. drummer/producer extraordinaire butchy fuego (pit er pat, boredoms, mia) contributes arrangements and beats in places, and icy demons dylan ryan plays on the percussion-heavy island shuffle nothin gonna be undone . the album was mixed at the wonderful hobby shop studios in la by mudrock, who also adds some final production touches on the record. the 11 new songs on the album, were also made possible by the encouragement of peers/heroes in la like former ghosts, fool s gold, secret circuit, abe vigoda, and part time punks dj crew. outside of their hometown, they also found support and inspiration from kindred spirits like pictureplane, spoek mathambo, as well as their new home, the ever-illustrious kompakt
Kompakt CD 88

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Vinyl (EUR 13.64)
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12.28 EUR *
CD 08.11.10
Kompakt CD 86
Last Copy!
12.28 EUR *
CD 12.02.10
>we are proud of our choices< is a delightful listen in every sensibility and truly brings his artistic talent as a dj and producer together in a very personal mix. we certainly hope you enjoy this landmark addition to our series as much as we do and leave you with ewan pearsons own words about his mix
Kompakt CD 078
Last Copy!
13.44 EUR *
CD 18.01.10
newcomers may ask - so what is pop ambient? a genre? possibly. a statement of musical mindset? absolutely! pop ambient was conceived by kompakt co-owner and producer wolfgang voigt and remains a collection selected and curated by voigt. pop ambient 2010 features a great selection of ambient tracks by wolfgang voigt, dj koze, jŸrgen paape, mikkel metal, thomas fehlmann, the orb, marsen jules, bvdub, dettinger, popnoname, andrew thomas & triola
Kompakt CD 77

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Vinyl (EUR 14.61)
in stock
12.93 EUR *
CD 23.10.09
>matias aguayo will change the way you think about dance music< - los angeles weekly ! das sensationelle dieser platte besteht darin, dass man nach den ersten paar takte schlichtweg vergisst, dass es sich um ein accapella-album handelt. wir dŸrfen mit stolz behaupten, dass aguayo mit seinen mitstreitern ein echter geniestreich gelungen ist.
Kompakt CD 76

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Vinyl (EUR 14.61)
in stock
12.28 EUR *
CD 06.03.09
two years have passed and much has changed since gui boratto shot to prominence with his kompakt debut >chromophobia<. a much needed spot of colour amidst the minimal milieu, guis mixture of fierce production skills and a blissful pop sensibility have characterized his trajectory to the techno heavyweight before us today
Kompakt CD 070
Last Copy!
12.28 EUR *
CD Pre sale
experimental album
Kompakt CD 166

also available as:
Vinyl (EUR 36.69)
13.02 EUR *
12 Inch 02.02.24
incl dubfire remix
Kompakt 474

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part of a serie (EUR 15.49)
part of a serie (EUR 15.49)
out of stock
13.02 EUR *
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