Theo Lawerence - CHERIE


12 Inch

Tomika Records / 05240501

Front View : Theo Lawerence - CHERIE (LP) - Tomika Records / 05240501

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New album from French-Canadian songwriter Theo Lawerence.

After leaving BMG, Theo Lawrence returns to independence with the launch of his own label Tomika in 2020 and a busy year in 2022: opening acts for Robert Plant & Alison Krauss and Charley Crockett, Americana Fest (Nashville), SXSW and a European tour, Theo Lawrence unveils a new album entitled Chérie. A 12-track jewel case, recorded in Nashville and sailing between ultra- romantic and thrilling ballads, Louisiana Cajun sounds, silky string arrangements and epic vocal flights taking you back to the Pop Music heyday of Roy Orbison and Frank Sinatra. Theo Lawrence is a young French-Canadian songwriter based in Bordeaux. His music is rooted in the country music of the 50"s and 60"s, while borrowing elements from soul, pop and rock&roll of the same era. A mixture of styles and sounds, with a deep love of tradition, while bearing the stamp of modern times. Theo brings a new sound to traditional American music, and with this new album confirms that he is part of the prolific new North American country scene.
23.52 EUR *
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