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Category (vinyl cd shirts)
2 search results
12 Inch 24.10.12
up next on scubas hotflush recordings is the stunning debut ep >forever for now< from 20 year-old duo shelter point. through the use of field recordings, upright pianos, their own chopped and screwed vocals and a varied palette of synths, the pair have created a lush and elegant four track love letter that is bound to make their contemporaries stand up and take note. >braille< sets the scene, its wistful, haunting vocals delicately slinking along to emotive and complex analogue synths, only slightly changing course on the vibrating and discordant 80s inspired >hold on me<. on the flip is the title track, a compelling and experimental piano ballad, rich with vinyl crackle and a bittersweet lyrical flow (forever burned your picture in my mind) followed by the pop-inspired >sleep easy<, a sweetly composed bedroom soul production kitted out with filtered synths and dubbed out atmospherics. a unique and memorable debut from a very bright new talent, shelter point is here to stay.
Hot Flush Recordings
in stock
7.61 EUR *
2LP 24.10.24
live performance incl shout, mad world, head voer heels and many more hits !
Concord Records
in stock
30.75 EUR *

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* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.