Some info on the background for the upcoming album, "Police Deranged For Orchestra"."Copeland explains that the “derangement” of The Police’s music “began as the score for a movie I made out of Super8 footage of the band that I had shot during our rise to glory. Film puts capricious demands on music, so I had to carve up the songs to serve the scenes in the movie, and once the scalpel was out, a whole new frenzy of inspiration from Police music began.” He shares that “delving into the multi-tracks of our original recordings and live performances revealed lost guitar solos, bass lines, and vocal improvisations that were just too cool to leave in obscurity... this discovery is what brings us to this performance: Sting’s songs, Andy’s inventions, and my impunity; all on the page for a wild ride with orchestra and unique musicians from around the world to adapt some of the most loved The Police hits for old and new audiences alike.
1. Don't Stand So Close To Me (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 5:06
2. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 4:44
3. Message In A Bottle (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 4:37
4. King of Pain (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 5:03
5. Demolition Man (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 4:06
6. Murder By Numbers (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 5:48
7. Roxanne (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 4:18
8. Tea In The Sahara (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 4:02
9. Can’t Stand Losing You / Reggatta De Blanc (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 6:55
10. Every Breath You Take (Intro) 2:09
11. Every Breath You Take (feat. Armand Sabal-Lecco, Rusty Anderson, Amy Keys, Carmel Helene & Tamar Davis) 3:37