12 Inch

Sistrum / SIS005

Front View : XDB - ESPAC - Sistrum / SIS005
Back View : XDB - ESPAC - Sistrum / SIS005

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A two track 12 inch of electrifying, catchy and simply deep underground music. Side A, Espac ( the shorter name variation of Espace), is a funky, moody and cosmic sound sculpture that fits well into the minimal tech category. This track contains a bass-laden brass morphing sound which converts to a more trumpet horn like sound. The loudness and resonance of this lead sound will definitely grab the attention of the audience. Strings from outer space, claps with a live funky feeling, shuffled hats and a radioactive background noise >WICKED!!! Side B, F.E.B., contains more morphing and electrifying hi pass resonance chord sounds. These sounds are combined with a warm stringful waving wall sound, a heartbeat like pulsating bass line and a simple offbeat playing open hi-hats. This track is relaxing but exciting at the same time which is sure to pack the dance floor!!

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8.18 EUR *

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