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Quartz Rec / quartz004

Front View : Okain - BLACKROCK EP - Quartz Rec / quartz004
Back View : Okain - BLACKROCK EP - Quartz Rec / quartz004

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Stepping up to Quartz Rec this time is exciting French talent Okain.He delivers a mighty EP, with three kick ass techno cuts for your pleasure! Title track Blackrock marches straight from the off, with snares and hand claps combining to great effect. Okains talent for droppingpercussive efx and sounds in his tracks is once again apparent. Creating and expanding an atmosphere throughout with his swirling efx, tom toms and flute... he actually takes you in to the rain forest... to the Blackrock!Ghost City The name fits the track to perfection. The opening drums evoking pictures of a deserted town. Those haunting synth stabs, andatmospherics swirling around you. Then the vocals appear out of the darkness, with the spooky, trippy synth. Nocturnal, driving music....Where Is Monday takes us on a tough, housier journey. Delicate toms open the show, and the pace increases as the robust, funk filled bass linedrops in. Layer upon layer is woven by Okain. Brilliant, and cheeky vocal drops, and efx come at us throughout the track, as it keeps up itsintense pace and groove. Awesome stuff.This is heavy. Handle with care!!

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6.55 EUR *

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