Gregorythme / Pikaya - UMMO, AMSTERDAM


12 Inch

Grubenstrasse Zurich / GS06

Front View : Gregorythme / Pikaya - UMMO, AMSTERDAM - Grubenstrasse Zurich / GS06
Back View : Gregorythme / Pikaya - UMMO, AMSTERDAM - Grubenstrasse Zurich / GS06

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Support from Artists like: Mathias Kaden, Nick Curly, Marc Antona, Quenum, Adam Marshall, Ripperton, Lauhaus, Margaret Dygas, Tini, Andrew Grant, Marco ResmannIon Ludwig, Till von Sein, Brothers Vibe, Chaton, Dyed Soundorom.


Support from artists like: Mathias Kaden, Nick Curly, Marc Antona, Quenum, Adam Marshall, Ripperton, Lauhaus, Margaret Dygas, Tini, Andrew Grant, Marco ResmannIon Ludwig, Till von Sein, Brothers’ Vibe, Chaton, Dyed Soundorom...

Gregorythme takes the A-side. The story about the planet „UmmO“, 14.6 light years away from the earth, is mysterious and nebulous. Just like the track: full of fantastic moments, intensive and spherical. )+(

The B-side „Amsterdam“ by Pikaya is based on a faint idea that emerged from the warmth and cosiness of a hotel bed in Amsterdam. It has been recorded and arranged live with a very basic setup. The moody bass line, the fat dubby chords and the soft pads convey the sensation of a unique jam session. Superb music with live character!
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6.13 EUR *

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