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2 search results
2x12 Inch LP 19.12.17
first release on trevor jacksons new unreleased archive recordings label pre- is a timeless collection of twisted techno, militant ebm and filthy electro produced by jackson himself and featuring vocals from douglas (nitzer ebb) mcarthy & chloe from c.a.r. originally produced in 2003 as a playgroup side project, pinklunch made its debut with a demo track on a dj hell international deejay gigolo compilation, tracks also appeared on compilations for the exclusive parisian department store collette and the berlin club f.u.n. the album lay in hibernation for nearly 15 years, gathering digital dust, rediscovered in 2014 trevor lovingly re-edited and remastered the original mixes as well as getting guest vocalists douglas mcarthy from nitzer ebb and chloe from c.a.r to appear on two tracks.
in stock
18.42 EUR *
CD 20.12.17
trevor jackson prŠsentiert den ersten release auf seinem neu gegrŸndeten label pre-, fŸr bislang unveršffentlichtes archivmaterial: eine zeitlose techno/ebm/electro-kollektion von pinklunch, eines playgroup-seitenprojekts aus 2003, das nur auf compilations in erscheinung trat (u.a. auf dj hells gigolo records, des pariser trendladens colette, sowie des berliner clubs f.u.n.). neun tracks, darunter ein cd-bonus, featuring vocals von douglas mcarthy (nitzer ebb) und chloe (c.a.r).
out of stock
14.66 EUR *

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