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Category (vinyl cd shirts)
1 search results
12 Inch 26.05.21
2021 repress - tired of reading the words ‘classic’, ‘masterpiece’, ‘missing link’, ‘cult’, ‘seminal’ in every press release? just trust us on this one: this is the real deal. we have no choice but to use those words and urge you to (re)discover one of the ultimate afro disco lost classics. if you’ve never heard it, thank god. if you’re one of the very few connoisseurs who have, get to experience it in a carefully remastered version.
HTML001 SEC003
Hot Mule , Secousse Records
out of stock
21.00 EUR *

you can enter: artist title label in this search field at the same time e.g.: Kalkbrenner Berlin Bpitch
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e.g.: "in between"

* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.