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Category (vinyl cd shirts)
1 search results
3x12 Inch 03.06.10
suspect - unfinished business ... lock your windows ... close your doors ... contact interpol - connecting to the internet is not recommended ... >> your systems have been infiltrated << ... both the airborne and online viruses will spread any information you thought was safe is now compromised ... responsible is an enigma who has been accused of occult activities, a man whose house has been raided by the anti-terrorist squad. having been arrested for action art events in warehouses involving dubious objects, he is a producer whose art and music runs the fine line between creativity and illegality. returning from the depths of his underground research facility in berlin where he had been quarantined, suspect has >unfinished business<.
Thug Records
out of stock
22.11 EUR *

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* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.