De Nooit Moede - S/T


12 Inch

Kontakt Group / KG001

Front View : De Nooit Moede - S/T - Kontakt Group / KG001
Back View : De Nooit Moede - S/T - Kontakt Group / KG001

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80s Touch

Old sound, new group! Belgian style...TIP!

"After they shook hands, the walls started closing in.
Fatigue kicked in, but De Nooit Moede decided to keep up appearances.
Time for coffee, or an alcohol-free beer. Pretending without pretense.
After all, the grass is always greener on the fool's side.

De Nooit Moede is a six-headed formation conducted by Victor De Roo, with
guitarist-vocalist Jente Waerzeggers, bass player Ferre Marnef, and singers Eva Kleeven, Felix Poffé and Arthur Roels. This debut EP is the first outing of the Kontakt Group (KG001). It was mixed in collaboration with techno demigod David Morley, mastered
by Mathieu Savenay and graphically designed by Emile De Geyndt."
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14.28 EUR *

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