Alan Dixon - PIANO DROP


12 Inch

Running Back / RB092

Front View : Alan Dixon - PIANO DROP - Running Back / RB092
Back View : Alan Dixon - PIANO DROP - Running Back / RB092

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Resident DJ at Savage Club in London.. Colour Sleeve By Gassius!

Pianos, Pianos and more Pianos! Alan Dixon’s overdue return to Running Back evolves around the black and white keys. Starting out with the main mix of “Acid Drop", Dixon unites the groan of a TB 303 with the life-affirming principle of a piano breakdown. Would have sounded as good on the floors of Ibiza’s or Riccione’s roofless clubs of yesteryear, as it would in club basement’s of today (temporarily defunct) and did in Gerd Janson’s Bali Boiler Room. Please turn to the “Swimming Mix’. to lighten the load or for the mellow after-the-rave moments on inflatable mattresses. Complemented by “Poye Loco", the piano theme gets a down tempo treatment that is cut out of the same cloth as espadrilles or the tunes that DJ Harvey likes to describe as “adult dance music". Finally, “Rudy’s Spector” closes the gap between a Ryuichi Sakamoto soundtrack and a Style Council ballad (while Paul Weller is on a tea break). DJs and home listeners unite! Don’t forget: there is always a summer somewhere! Artwork by Gassius.
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7.97 EUR *
Chart House
pos. 1864
peak pos. 5

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