Sector Y - SECTOR Y


12 Inch

Booma Collective / BMA009

Front View : Sector Y - SECTOR Y - Booma Collective / BMA009
Back View : Sector Y - SECTOR Y - Booma Collective / BMA009

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This first SECTOR Y release features several rare recordings of the Mizzurna incident, assembled here for your convenience. The end result is dense yet viscid. We hope you find this selection agreeable. Thank you for listening. Notes: BQJ-225(s) and Atmosphere 3(s)™ (a trademark of the revlux™ corporation) have been used extensively, configure your listening stations accordingly. All generators used in the production of this record operate on bio-friendly fuel and have been licensed by the FLAA (ref. HBB250040327).

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7.61 EUR *

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